Selasa, 14 September 2010

personality quote

Holly Golightly: How do I look?
Paul Varjak: Very good. I must say, I'm amazed.

- Breakfast at tiffany's (1961)

sweet thing come first♥

some images from my latest project, yummy wrayttt??

Ivana Christine
Jakarta, Indonesia

Rabu, 08 September 2010


still with "twineffect" for i still learn-and-learn, practice-andmore-practice my photoshop skill in the middle of my unemployment time (hehe yes, im done with my final project) ~wuhuu..
so whats next? vacation maybe?? or seeking fo' a great jobb??
well, maybe i think about it later, just wanna have fun with my jobless timee.. ~~

Ivana Christine
Jakarta, Indonesia